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What To Do This Christmas – Fun, Festive Ideas

26 Nov 2015

christmas festive party ideas1. Buy And Decorate A Christmas Tree!

What better way to mark the start of the festivities? Grab your hat and gloves, head down to the market and get picking!what to do this christmas weekend fun festive party ideas


2. Spend Far Too Much On Your Loved Ones

It’s time to treat your family and friends. What goes around comes around!


what to do this christmas weekend city parties fun festive ideas3. Visit Your City Centre To See The Christmas Lights

Get your group together and head into the city to check out this year’s display. And while you’re at it, why not check out the Christmas specials on the cocktail menu at your favourite bar, too? 😉

how to celebrate christmas this week festive fun

4. Order Your Turkey

Well, we couldn’t leave this one off, could we?


what to do this weekend christmas fun festive ideas to do


5. Write A Christmas List!

Christian Louboutins, house in The Hamptons, live in chef, Lamborghini…


christmas fun party ideas festive weekend

6. Book Your Butler!

Is it even a Christmas party without one? (Or two, or three, or four…!)


Get a quote now and then booking is simple.



christmas party ideas fun festive weekend

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