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Summer 2018 Hen Party Ideas

17 May 2018

Summer 2018 Hen Party Ideas

It warming up a bit and we know that a lot of you are probably in the middle of organising Hen parties, so we’ve decided to help you out by giving you some great hen party ideas. We’ve tried to think outside of the box so that you can make the most of the warmers days and sunny evenings! At Butlers in the Buff we offer a wide range of different packages that you can book alongside our hunky naked butlers. And now that it’s warm enough to get outside without the fear of impending rain, it the perfect time to try out some of our more adventurous and outdoorsy packages.

Check out our packages here

Boat Cruises

Butlers in the buff- summer 2018 hen party ideas- boat cruisesOur boat cruises are particularly popular over summer because you can get out there and enjoy basking in the sunshine whilst floating along! The package includes a two hour boat journey and a hunky butler in the buff! This is a great way to try something new, or see the city from a different perspective. It’s also a great day-time activity if you’ve got big plans in the evening because you can put your feet up and relax in the sun whilst being waited on hand and foot by one of our Hunky butlers. Our boat cruises are available in a number of great cities so be sure to have a look on our website if this is something you think you’d be interested in!

Bubble MayHen and Old School Sports day

If you fancy a more outdoorsy package then it’s worth checking out our Bubble MayHen and Oldschool sports Day packabubble zorb hen party activityges.  Both packages are great if you want to try something completely different and enjoy being active. They are also a great way to fit in a mini workout during your Hen Party Weekend, or to release some of that stress from hen party and wedding organisation!


The best way to describe Bubble MayHen is a hilarious mix between zorbing and dodgems! You get strapped into a giant Zorb ball and then spend the hour playing games and bouncing off the other hens! Our Package is an hour long and includes an accredited event coordinator to host all the bubble games, but you also get the use of one of our Hunky Butlers for two hours over the weekend, so it’s the best of both worlds basically! It’s a guaranteed laugh for all involved and will definitely getting you working off all that wedding stress!

old school sports day hen activitySimilarly, our Old School Sports Day is guaranteed to make you laugh but also reminisce about the good old days of Primary school sports days!! Your group will be split into different ‘houses’, and the more events you win the more points your house gets! It wouldn’t be a true sports day without prizes!! The Package include an accredited event coordinator to host all the games, prizes for the winners, and one of our hunky butlers to use over the weekend plus there’ll be a whole load of laughter and nostalgia! With both packages you can upgrade the package to include one of our Sexy Refs, so you can have a bit of eye candy while you play.


So if you think these packages are right up your street, or you want to see what else we offer then head to our website for more information.

Check out our packages here

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