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Meet the Butler: Ryan F (aka Finn)

18 Nov 2014

To spare your blushes, we’ve asked 24-year-old Ryan from Worcester a few questions to gethen party ideas the lowdown on him, his work and a few added extras.

Tell us a bit about yourself:

When I’m not butlering you can find me working as a design engineer, and also as a VIP host at my local nightclub. I am career-minded and extremely ambitious. I have lots of business ideas and hope to earn enough cash to get them off the ground in the future.

How did you become a butler?
Chatting with a friend at the gym – also a butler – he asked me if I fancied doing some topless work. My response was “how soon can I start?”.

How would other butlers describe you?
I’d like to think the ones who know me would say cheeky but intellectual. To anyone else, probably over-confident.

What’s your funniest butler moment?
On one job I took part in a Saturday afternoon sports day hen party with another butler. Andrew took the sack race very seriously and bounded to victory ahead of 30 women, complete with a bare bum positioned cheekily above the top of the sack. That image has stayed with me long after the race ended.

hen-party-activities-walesAnd the most outrageous?
hen-party0ideas-midlandsThat would have to be chasing a bride-to-be around a sheep field in Wales, along with a fellow butler. She soon returned the favour and legged it after us.

How do you unwind?
After a job I like to pop out for a beer with mates. Most of my shifts conveniently finish just as my weekend is starting…

Favourite part of your body?
My legs.

Any advice for potential butlers?
The best butlers aren’t always the ones who look the best, they are usually the ones who can laugh at themselves the most.

If you enjoyed meeting Ryan then watch this space, more cheeky butlers will coming your way soon…

To book your Butlers in the Buff simply click here!

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